
The RDA "FAIR Data Maturity Model" working group published an "Analysis of Existing FAIR Assessment Tools" in January 2020 (https://doi.org/10.15497/RDA00035). AtMoDat was not involved in this analysis but we think that this analysis is very valuable to find appropriate FAIRness assessment tools for different use cases.

We would like to highlight two of the presented 12 tools. One tool is a short web-browser-based questionnaire, which is designed rather for data producers and scientists to get a first rough impression of the FAIRness of published data. The second tool is design for data repositories or other stakeholders deeply involved in the field data publishing and FAIRness.

These are our favorite two tools. The remaining ten tools are valuable tools as well and there are some more tools in preparation by other projects and institutions, see e.g. the comparisons in Wilkinson et al. (2018) or the results of Fairsharing.org.


Note 1 (edit): The domain www.ands-nectar-rds.org.au seems to be inaccessible from time to time. This questionaire by DANS seems to be a valuable alternative: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7t1Z9IOBoj5GgWqik8KnhtH3B819Ch6lD5KuAz7yn0I0Opw/viewform